This past September, my first column for the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) was published in their magazine, The Independent. It was to be the first of at least FIVE columns about using radio and social media to promote books with life-changing messages. My second column, about using Facebook to spread the word about your book(s), appeared in the March 2017 edition of the magazine, and three other columns are scheduled for July, August and September, 2017.
I hope this will be the beginning of a long, fruitful relationship for all concerned.
In my first article, “Taking to the Waves: Using Radio to Get the Word Out," I wrote:
"You’ve just published a book with an important message—one you and your author hope will change the world. Now, it’s time to promote it. Of course, you’ll use a number of tried-and-true methods, some of which will succeed, and some of which will fall flat. One way that’s worked well for me is radio. Radio promotion is a great way to involve your author in the promotional process, sell more books, and, believe it or not, enjoy the process!
"Successful radio interviews helped me make my independently published book, Honest Medicine: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases, an award-winning bestseller.
"For instance, after an appearance on one late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM, my book climbed to No. 49 out of all the books on Amazon.com, and in that one month alone, over 1,200 copies were sold. Additionally, as a result, my book has been featured on several high-traffic websites, including The Atlantic, and it has received excellent reviews. Five years after its publication, Honest Medicine remains an Amazon.com bestseller, and I still receive offers to appear as a guest on talk shows.
"Why Radio (and Internet) Talk Shows Matter
"As I was writing my book, I knew I wanted radio to be the main means of getting my message out to the public. I’m a longtime fan of talk radio because it gives the guest time to tell a story. Stories are what make that connection to the listener, and that’s what sells books. Television, on the other hand, is more about the sound bite. Unless you’re a bestselling author with a very topical message and a big publishing house, it’s hard to get booked on TV. If you do, chances are you’ll get a few minutes at most. That’s not enough time to say very much—or to sell books.
Please read the rest of the article online at http://articles.ibpa-online.org/article/taking-to-the-waves-using-radio-to-get-the-word-out/
Honest Medicine Communications: Marketing Strategies for Authors
Many of you know me as the author of the book, HONEST MEDICINE, which has been an Amazon.com bestseller for 5 years. I attribute the book’s success to three promotional strategies I have developed and applied over the years. This experience has been so gratifying and inspiring that I want to share these strategies for success with authors and aspiring authors—especially those who want their works to make significant difference to our world.
Learn about my new marketing service for authors!
With this new service, I am returning to my “PR ROOTS”:
I have been a public relations consultant for professionals and private practitioners since 1985. My clients have been experts in their fields. With my expertise they have become better known to their potential clients and patients, and have built their professional practices.
Continue reading "Honest Medicine Communications: Marketing Strategies for Authors" »
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